Welcome to St. Bridget's
The Church of Saint Bridget of Minneapolis has been welcoming people from all backgrounds for over 100 years. As a member you’ll find many opportunities for enriching your faith and your life.

Our History


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Who We Are
Mission Statement
We choose to be the presence of Christ on the Northside.
Vision Statement
We commit to being a church where all people know they are invited, loved, and accepted. In the spirit of the Gospel, we continue our tradition of caring for and serving others on the Northside with works of charity and advocating for justice reform. We choose to be Peacemakers so that all people will know equality, hopefulness, and God’s peace.
Welcome Letter From The Pastor
Welcome to the Parish Community of St Bridget of Ireland
We are God’s people; the family of Jesus crucified and risen, citizens of heaven brought together by our Lord, sharing in one faith and one baptism. Here at St. Bridget we pride ourselves to be the presence of Christ Jesus in the Northside. We strive to be the hands of Christ reaching out to the other, especially those on the margins of the society. We are his heart, his feet, his eyes. We aspire to function as the means by which Christ continues to transform the world. Through the celebration of the sacraments, the preaching of the Word of God, our community outreach, our open-table fellowship, our prayers and sustained commitments to the community we live, we continue to make the Lord Jesus present in the Northside. He alone is the object of our deepest longings. Read More